
Choosing Ideal Pest Control

What You Need To Know About Bed Bugs

These days, bed bug infestations tend to be pretty common, particularly in larger cities. If you notice the signs of these pests, such as brown and black spots on your bedroom mattress or red, itchy bites on your skin, an exterminator will need to be contacted immediately. It can be difficult to eliminate bed bugs from your home on your home, but with professional bed bug treatment, it can be done. Keep reading to learn a few things you should know about bed bugs.

Bed Bugs Can Attach to Your Clothes

Bed bugs are really tiny; in fact, they are roughly the size of the seed of an apple. You can see them with the naked eye, but they tend to go completely unnoticed. While these bugs are unable to jump or fly, it is possible for them to attach to fabric, such as your clothes, and because of this, they can transport easily from one location (home) to the next.

Bed Bugs Can "Live" in Hotels

When you check yourself into a hotel room, one of the first things that you should do is pull back the sheets on the bed and perform a thorough inspection of the bed. You are looking for any signs of bed bugs. Although it is true that the majority of hotels will have strict regimens for cleaning, bed bugs are quite small, meaning they may go unnoticed by hotel staff.

Bed Bugs Leave a Trail Behind Them

In some cases, you may never see the actual bed bug itself. The reason for this is because the beds tend to burrow themselves inside of the fibers of the mattress. Therefore, when you pull back the bedsheets, you will notice specks of brown and black around the mattress seams. Those dark-colored specks are traces that the bugs leave behind.

Bed Bugs Can Only Truly Be Treated by a Professional

When you notice bed bugs, it is imperative that you immediately call an exterminator to quickly and efficiently eliminate the infestation. Depending on the severity of the infestation, it is possible for multiple treatments to be needed. Of course, only one treatment may be needed.

Bed Bugs Hate High Temperatures

Bed bugs have become a bit resistant to pesticides over the years; however, the one thing that they cannot stand is extremely hot temperatures. Therefore, you should make sure to wash your clothes and sheets in hot water and then pop them in the dryer on high heat, as this will help to kill any leftover bed bugs.

If you think you have bed bugs in your home, contact a bed bug control company in your area to schedule the necessary treatment.

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Choosing Ideal Pest Control

What do you want in a pest control company? Whether you are looking for a company that comes on time or a business that focuses on offering green solutions for your growing business, it pays to focus on the details. From paying attention to how companies take care of things to working on different factors that may impact your bottom line, being on the right side of pest control could make it a lot easier to take care of everything on your docket. For instance, when you have pest control, you can protect finances because surprise infestations may not be a problem. Check out this blog to learn more about extermination, and how to get what you need from a company.


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