
Choosing Ideal Pest Control

3 Reasons Mice And Pets Are Risky Cohabitors

You love your pets, and you do all you can to take care of them. However, if you have pets and also have a mouse problem in the house, you are bound to have more issues than you need. Take a look at some of the biggest reasons why getting rid of mice is even more important if you have pets. 

Your pets may eat mice and experience health issues. 

It is common for both cats and dogs to go after small prey when given the opportunity. Having mice in your home can pose the perfect opportunity for them to chase down a mouse and make a meal out of it before you can stop them. Even though most people assume this really is no big deal, it actually can be. According to VetWest Animal Hospitals. cats and dogs can: 

  • Contract toxoplasmosis, which is a parasitic organism that can cause serious harm 
  • Experience secondary poisoning if the rodent has eaten poison itself 
  • Contract roundworm if the mouse has this parasitic worm in their digestive tract 

Many people will actually go out and bring home a cat to keep indoors if they have a mouse problem, but this is not a very kind thing to do to a cat with so many risks involved.

A pet can cause a lot of damage trying to get to a mouse. 

Have you ever watched the intense chase between a cat and a mouse or a dog and a mouse outdoors? If so, you already know that most pets will go to great lengths just to get to mice they know they have spotted or smelled in the house. Dogs can be especially destructive in the house if there is a mouse present that they're trying to get to. They may do something like tear a piece of drywall to shreds or claw their way through a door. 

Pet food can easily get contaminated with rodent droppings and urine. 

Pet food is a must if you have a dog or cat, but it is also highly attractive to mice. If you do not keep your pet food in a sealed container (and maybe even if you do), mice can get inside and leave their droppings and urine behind. Therefore, in addition to losing food to what the rodents eat, you also run the risk of feeding your pet food that is contaminated with microorganisms that could be harmful to their health.

For more information about rodent control, contact a company like Xtermco Inc.

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Choosing Ideal Pest Control

What do you want in a pest control company? Whether you are looking for a company that comes on time or a business that focuses on offering green solutions for your growing business, it pays to focus on the details. From paying attention to how companies take care of things to working on different factors that may impact your bottom line, being on the right side of pest control could make it a lot easier to take care of everything on your docket. For instance, when you have pest control, you can protect finances because surprise infestations may not be a problem. Check out this blog to learn more about extermination, and how to get what you need from a company.


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